Saturday, November 19, 2011


I received this email yesterday. How unholy to abuse the name of the Ford to send me this stupid spam message:

David Ford
I know this email will surprise and possibly shock you, but this is very true and real My name is David Ford from Scotland, I am at the hospital waiting to die. I am suffering from cancer.i want to entrust my funds into your hands so that you can help me to use it for charity in your country.I am very weak and will soon die, the funds is $5,000,000. Please get back to me
so that i can give you more details on how the funds will get to you

be damned forever you unford ! don't ever abuse the name of the ford again or burn in petrol found from libya until they run out of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wood-ford !

English manager Woodford reveals huge scandal at Olympus Japan.

One can always rely on Ford, even on Woodford !

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ford ist fort

Zwischen den USA und Syrien gibt es ernsthafte diplomatische Verstimmungen. Die USA haben ihren Botschafter in Damaskus abgezogen, weil dessen Sicherheit ernsthaft bedroht sei. Der Botschafter Robert Ford hat der syrischen Regierung schon mehrfach die Stirn geboten.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Goodbye Betty Ford

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fordbrothers go Wotruba

and Fordbrother John did a short video on his iphone