Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ford of the Day

This Ford of the Day was contributed by our longtime mental supporter Markus Zeindlinger. He works for the fantastic Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz. I've never met him in person, but he seems to be a well read and honest fellow and sure deserves being part of this - as he described it once - "rubric of all rubrics"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ford of the Day

Ford Timelord

In 1988 "The Timelords" (aka The KLF aka Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty) came up with their new hitsingle "Doctorin' the Tardis". Also credited on the record was "Ford Timelord", Cauty's (aka Lord Rock) 1968 Ford Galaxie American police car (claimed to have been used in the film Superman IV filmed in the UK). Drummond (aka Time Boy) and Cauty declared that the car had spoken to them, giving its name as Ford Timelord, and advising the duo to become "The Timelords".

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ford of the Day

It's yours truly John Ford who wants to show off his newly aquired mohair pullover that almost makes him look like the infamous Cookie Monster of Sesame Street. This highly fashionable piece also makes him feel well prepared for the coming fall season.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ford of the Day

Travis Touchdown is a character of the Nintendo wii game created by Goichi Suda (aka Suda 51) who got famous with his stylish and ueber-violent game Killer7. Travis seems to us like being modelled after the looks of our beloved Ilford (compare the images!) his looks only being altered little simply to better fit japanese likings.

The Fordbrothers feel honoured by such a reverence by a videogame master like Suda 51. The Fordbrothers send their kindest regards to Mr. Goichi Suda and his team. We're eagerly awaiting a copy of this game, having our wii set up and ready to go! Nevertheless we fear that it might take quite a long time for the game to hit europe. As the game is being advertised being even more "ueber violent" than "Manhunt 2. As a worst case scenario we fear that we will have to get an import version only playable on wii's with a mod-chip which will again force the fordbrothers into illegal activities regarding copyright laws.

The fordbrothers being used to violate common legislation in various fields with great pleasure will do so without the slightest hesitation. It could be stated that through the permanent abuse of found footage in their work violation of copyright laws has become their second nature. John Ford who has been an excellent swordsman in his youth hopes that the game based on sword fight will give him an oportunity to proof his remarkable capabilities without having to get up from his newly aquired witmann sofa.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ford of the day

This postcard from India has been found by artist Tillman Kaiser. Not only are we totally fond of his work in both painting and sculpture but also grateful for this generous contribution he made to the wonderful world of Ford.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ford of the Day

Ford of the day is


for it's positive commitment to the traditional world of silver halide black and white photography. They let us know on their homepage that some of the greatest and most famous photographs ever taken have been in black and white. We gave it a try and took this photo of Lord Ford in Istanbul who is since calling himself "Ilford". Further he tries to expand the concept into daily life by perceiving the world in black and white only. "Many issues don't bother me anymore, things got more simple thanks to Ilford", says Lord Ford aka Ilford.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ford of the Night

We decided to ennoble the unknown driver of this vehicle a Lord of the Night. Yes, Sir! A true Knight Rider!

But what is all this titles compared to a genuine Ford of the Night?

Can you see the bike of Fordbrother John in the background?
Him riding it through the dark streets around the Fordbrothers' residence in Viennas' 5th district makes a true Ford of the Night ...

Ford of the Day

O'Neil Ford

Besides the famous Tom Ford who used to work for Gucci "O'Neil Ford" left his marks in contemporary architecture ...

5. 1408 Country Club Road, Argyle

The Roland and Authella Ford Hersh house was designed by O'Neil Ford for his sister and built in 1965. Built of Mexican brick, this home features intricately carved entry doors by brother Lynn Ford, and whimsical ceramic light fixtures by long-time Ford associate Tom Stell.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ford of the Day

Lord Ford is currently shooting a documentary about a muezzin competition in Istanbul more. In one of the city's bookstores he found this giant book that makes thim look like a dwarf.

Fordbrother John stayed in Vienna as most of the time. Istanbul isn't far he says, but the way to the next airport is. Currently the Fordbrothers mostly stay in touch via the internet with their high-tech computer equipment.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ford of the Day

Ford of the Day

Ford Granada ... Here's where our better ideas begin.

An inside look at Ford Granada - down deep where outstanding design and fine engineering are combined to produce a solid automobile.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ford of the Day

Gerald Ford

(* 14th July 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska; † 26th December 2006 in Rancho Mirage, California)

He was the 38th President (1974–1977), and 40th Vice President (1973–1974) of the United States.
Ford became the only person to hold that office without having been elected either President or Vice President.

As Gerald Ford recalled later in life, his biological father was abusive and had a history of hitting his mother. James M. Cannon, who was the executive director of the domestic council during the Ford administration, wrote in a biography of the former president that the Kings' separation and divorce was sparked when, a few days after Ford's birth, Leslie King, Sr. threatened his wife, Dorothy, with a butcher knife and announced his intention to kill her, the baby, and the baby's nursemaid. His first abusive action, according to Ford, occurred on the couple's honeymoon, when King hit his wife for smiling at another man.

1934 Gerald Ford was selected for the Eastern Team on the Shriner’s East West Crippled Children game at San Francisco (a benefit for crippled children), played on January 1, 1935.

Gisa Fellerer chose this photo of Gerald Ford with great taste and deep understanding of what we call the "spirit of ford".